Buy Oxygen AI Positron

To take advantage of the Oxygen AI Positron solution, you have the following options:
  • Use the Oxygen AI Positron Assistant plugin for Oxygen XML Editor/Author/Developer. This plugin allows you to connect to the Oxygen AI Positron service, which is built on the Open AI platform.
  • Use the Oxygen AI Positron Assistant Enterprise plugin for Oxygen XML Editor/Author/Developer. This plugin enables you to directly connect to your own Open AI account or your Azure Open AI Service.
  • Use the Oxygen AI Positron Assistant Enterprise plugin for Web Author or Content Fusion. This plugin enables you to directly connect to your own Open AI, Azure Open AI Service or Anthropic Claude accounts.

Oxygen AI Positron Service

Utilize our SaaS offering, the Oxygen AI Positron Service, by configuring the Oxygen AI Positron Assistant plugin into Oxygen XML Editor/Author/Developer software applications to connect to it.


Perfect for covering daily tasks using GPT-3.5
19$per month
Monthly credits: 2,000,000


Great for a balanced use of GPT-3.5 and GPT-4.
49$per month
Monthly credits: 10,000,000


Ideal for more frequent and intensive use of GPT-4.
99$per month
Monthly credits: 25,000,000

Find out more about monthly credits

Each user has a limit to the number of requests that are sent to the AI server each month and this is managed through the use of credits. The 1-month free evaluation plan includes 500,000 credits. If you have consumed all of your free credits or the evaluation plan expires, the service can only be continued by purchasing a subscription plan.

Each invoked action consumes credits with the AI prompt associated with the action, the input text (editor text, selection from the editor text, chat messages, or user input), and the AI response.

Credits are calculated using a weighted model based on OpenAI tokens:

  • 1 token of gpt-3.5-turbo = 1 credit
  • 1 token of gpt-3.5-turbo-16k = 2 credits
  • 1 token of gpt-4 = 30 credits
  • 1 token of gpt-4-turbo = 15 credits
  • 1 token of gpt-4-vision-preview = 15 credits


  • gpt 3.5-turbo-16k is only used if the input exceeds the context window capacity of Oxygen AI Positron's default model. The model switch is preformed automatically upon detecting the need for a bigger context window.
  • gpt-4-vision-preview is automatically used by the features that perform image analysis.

Oxygen AI Positron Assistant Enterprise

Read the End User License Agreement

Deploy our Oxygen AI Positron Assistant Enterprise plugin specifically designed for Oxygen XML Editor/Author/Developer to directly connect with an AI service provider.
IMPORTANT: If you are using an Enterprise license of Oxygen desktop, the AI Positron Assistant Enterprise add-on is free to use.


Designed to use with personalized or company-specific AI models.
$19812 Months Subscription
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Oxygen AI Positron Assistant Enterprise plugin for Web Author or Content Fusion

Read the End User License Agreement

If you have a license for the Oxygen XML Web Author or Content Fusion products, the Oxygen AI Positron Assistant Enterprise plugin will work without the need for an additional license. If you are an integrator using the Web Author Component in your own solution, you need to contact us in order to discuss the plugin's availability and licensing.
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