Build History of Oxygen XML Web Author Releases

Build ID: 2020032609

Tue, 7 April 2020 10:00:00 GMT

Author/API: Fixed an issue where the API used to get child nodes of an element returned a truncated list in some cases.

Security: Updated Apache Tomcat to 9.0.31.

Author/DITA: Fixed issue where the user name was lost while navigating through the topics of a ditamap displayed in the DITA Map view.

Author/API: Fixed an isuse where a URIResolver registered in a plugin was not called for some URLs.

Git support: Web Author can now follow relative links pointing to different Git repositories.

Author/Spell check: Fixed an issue where the spell checker would duplicate content in some cases while editing with change tracking active.

Build ID: 2019121713

Wed, 22 January 2020 10:00:00 GMT

Author/HTML: Fixed bug where content completion did not work for XHTML documents with custom schema.

Build ID: 2019112616

Thu, 12 December 2019 10:00:00 GMT

Editing: Fixed a memory leak that happened while editing file content.

Editing: Fixed bug where deleting a title in DocBook did not activate the undo button.

DITA Map view: Fixed an error that happened while loading topics over a slow network connection, if the load process was triggered by quickly selecting topics from a DITA map.

Diff: Fixed text clarity issue on the left-side editor of the files comparison tool.

Performance: Improved load speed for documents without content references.

Review: Fixed an issue where the connecting arrow that helps to locate comments and tracked changes was pointing to a wrong position in the document.

Build ID: 2019102212

Thu, 24 October 2019 10:00:00 GMT